"nnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooo! i'm not ready for prime time yet!!!"
wait, let's not spoil it. but as you are all so aware, a workprint of the X-Men Origins: Wolverine has already been passed around the Internet and most likely, Martians are already watching that copy, so to speak.
out of curiosity, i wanted to check it out if it was the real deal. and it was. you can see the incomplete CGI, stunt cables, etc. somebody was either pissed (he was being laid off?) or completely moronic to let this out in the wild.
or it could be a complete stunt to hype the movie. because as we can tell, the audience would now be divided into those who would like to get a leg up on the competition and those who would like to preserve the purity of the viewing experience. apparently, even about a month ago, somebody already saw the thing, and posted reviews.
as for me, i really don't mind (until the FBI kicks the door down and puts guns on my head - in which case, i'd really need Logan to get me out of that jam); i'm still plunking down $11 when the movie rolls out in May, and another $25 when the Blu-Ray edition comes out two months later (or get it at a sale price at Wal-Mart or something).
i watched all three X-Men movies at the theater, and own all the DVDs. not to justify something, but just saying. and i need something to wash the stink of X3 out of my mouth.
considering my wife read (and liked!) Origin recently (and she may be a bit disappointed that the movie isn't an exact replica of the book), i will still drag her to the cineplex and that means $22.
so screw it: i've seen it, i like it, and will still watch it (with proper CGI this time).
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