Sunday, April 26, 2009

i. am. not. a. bag. of. shit.

michael moore Pictures, Images and Photos
... says Michael Moore.

the outspoken liberal filmmaker made this point today, in between gargantuan bites of Domino's triple-cheese-sausage-and-pepperoni-and-everything-else-including-the-staff's-boogers pizza, in reference to the latest right-wing smear campaign masquerading as comics issue of Kick Ass.

"i resent that remark." Moore said, adding "shit only happens after i eat; i certainly do not hold the food in my body for long periods of time after it has gone through my intestines. if that were so, then that description would be apt." Moore then proceeded to call Domino's for another half-dozen boxes of the same pizza.

Moore didn't care that this particular issue of Kick-Ass was our cliffhanger of the week, even if we were curious whether or not he was going to just keel over after eating those pizzas.

Kick-Ass #6

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