IzzoHOVA - who's actually Jay-Z (or something)
Tom Izzo - basketball coach
Larry Izzo - football player
wait, we misspelled that. how many Izo's do you know? apparently none. except this guy.
now in the pages of Daredevil, an old blind martial artist has reappeared. dare we say who he reminds us of? no, not Terence Stamp!

"... and reassure me i don't look like Terrence Stamp."
so, in the end, will he be crucified and tortured to death as per Miike's film too? hahaha!
note: how many times do they have to destroy the Hand? after that last debacle with Wolverine while teaming up with Hydra, i don't see any distinction. cut it off and it will regrow. geez, they should make their union permanent (Hydrand?) and their mascot should be Wolverine!
i wonder what Frank Miller has to say about all this.
(probably nothing; he's busy thinking up all kinds of dirty dialogue for All Star Batman and Robin)
Daredevil #112
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