Thursday, February 5, 2009

Secret Warriors, yeah, that's what we are

this just in: Nick Fury disses the Oval Office! (with Barack in it)

and who can blame the man? rampant corruption and skrullduggery (heh) have happened, and the US is tottering on economic disaster, and a psycho is now in charge of the asylum (Osborn, not Obama, wiseass). honor is a long-gone concept with the death of Steve Rogers, so Fury has gone deeper underground (heh) but not that deep enough to pop up in scenic places like the White House. (did Michelle shake his hand as he appeared in the kitchen?)

(wait, how do we know that was His Barryness? that could be Osborn for all we know. they usually draw him in shadow, the exception being that Spider-Man issue and maybe that one in Thunderbolts. hey wait, wasn't he stuck with the Osborn and the "Green Goblin" in Air Force One? Marvel, you're as bad as DC with scheduling).

with his new band of caterpillars soldiers, Fury wants to take back Sundays, i mean take the world back from all these crazy people. actually, everyone wants to do that. at least the disenfranchised good guys (hello, Clint Barton). and other people just want their slice of the pie (hello, Agents of Atlas). so, would this status quo stay as long as a summer crossover? or would we have around two years worth of drama (and time to write potentially great stories), before things really come to a head, and a huge global revolution would come together to topple Norman Osborn?

"you wish, rookie. now drop and give me a hundred - with no hands!"

i watched Stefano Caselli's art evolve over his tour of duty in Avengers: The Initiative, but now he's overdoing the eyes. they're overexpressive. good thing Fury only has one.

(wait, how's this for a shocker - Fury's eyes are really ok!!!! he just wears that patch to scare the kids and look badass. no, seriously! i mean, they brought Bucky Barnes back!)

so in between taking credit for badass quotes and sending kids off to battle, what does li'l Nicky do for fun? nothing much. the Contessa was a Skrull ... wait, no, he dissed her and walked away even when the real deal came back from Skrullworld. i bet he keeps just a wee bit more tabs on Daisy Johnson. no, you didn't hear it from me!

oh yeah, this just in: Nick Fury works for Hydra.

wait, ... what?

Secret Warriors #1

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