spinning off the main JLA title, James Robinson and Mauro Cascioli's Justice League hits the stands in 2009, led by a couple of old stalwarts along with some new faces, and having them go after their deadlier foes (revamped X-Force, anyone?).

according to the Wizard Magazine report, the team is brought together by a death of a DC character (Dan DiDio?) and want to mete out frontier justice rather than sitting on the sidelines and waiting for shoes to drop. the choice of team leaders are a little weird for me: liberal leftist Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) and original space cop Hal Jordan (its been 15 years since Hal went nuts, maybe its an anniversary thing). but its nice to see both of them working together for the new generation.
anyway, with a simian on board, all bets are off. Congorillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
anyway, with a simian on board, all bets are off. Congorillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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