Thursday, January 14, 2010

life is never fair

in Psylocke #3, we finally learn Matsu'o Tsurayaba's secret - he's become Mason Verger. what, all that Hand money and they didn't even bother to fix you up?? i suggest place a call to 1-800-DAREDEVL.

and who is responsible for this dastardly deed?

Daken gets to chop up Frank Castle, while Wolverine only skewers a former D, now Z list villain. we'd all love to see Logan slice and dice Norman Osborn, but that would be too easy now, wouldn't it, Marvel?

basically, what this shows is that Wolverine may be excellent in killing foot soldiers, run-of-the-mill ninjas and expendable aliens, but not any of the upper-tier supervillains. it took him like a hundred years before he killed Sabretooth. and he even whiffed on Mystique.


The Lunar Fox said...

Wolverine just has too much... um... heart (aka he's soft but you didn't hear that from me!) to do away with major villains. That's all.

grifter said...

aaawwww ... look who wants to be Logan's widdle cutey sidekick ...

The Lunar Fox said...

lol, who? Me? 'Cause I'm way too old now. I haven't been 15 for 15 years. XD

grifter said...

that's what Jubilee said in Nation X #2. oh wait, she doesn't have powers anymore.