probably the one good thing that Kevin Smith did among his Big Two works (his Marvel run is something that has been critiqued ad nauseam) would be his resurrection of Green Arrow for DC. there's something about a regular dude with a bow and arrow running around with the Big Guns in capes, with no powers at all save his marksmanship and athleticism. well, that and his notorious ladies' man and devil-may-care reputation.
it is with great excitement then that i learned a Year One series for Oliver Queen was coming, written by the two gentlemen who wrote a couple of my favorite books:
yep, that Andy Diggle and Jock. sorry, guys; i wanted to post about The Losers - i still will at some point. the opening scene already gave me deja vu: camera zoom out shows perspective - reminiscent of the Goliath tanker scene.
make no mistake, this is for newer/younger fans, an origin story that would make sense for the next generation. but i see it as a re-visitation as well. i've been more of a Marvel guy through the years, but my childhood is replete with memories of the Justice League, and Superman, to me, is always the first superhero a child learns of.
Ollie, looking a lot like a Loser, is living the high life as the playboy millionaire, without the heart condition and the technological genius. mr. pampered peter pan blows through money like a breeze, and his close confidant Hackett tries to keep him on an even keel.
Ollie, looking a lot like a Loser, is living the high life as the playboy millionaire, without the heart condition and the technological genius. mr. pampered peter pan blows through money like a breeze, and his close confidant Hackett tries to keep him on an even keel.
that is, until he betrays him, while on a boating trip. money changes everything.
Ollie, despite his raw archery skills, can't quite match up with the determined Hackett, and thus he ends up in the drink.
there's probably more than one Green Arrow origin stories written out there. but i like this one, which gives a rational explanation how Ollie came to be stranded on an island instead of merely falling overboard while drunk.
this is shaping up to be whole new gritty take on the Emerald Archer. i don't care if he wears green - he's gonna be a manly man when all of this is over.
Green Arrow: Year One #1
Andy Diggle/Jock
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