so where has he been all this time? he's been trapped in the Void - is that where Robert "Loony Sentry" Reynolds' dark half lives? will someone enlighten me on this? the Sentry is blonde, handsome, ripped and powerful. come to think of it, that also describes Thor (drawn in all Nordic metrosexuality and Germanic he-man-ishness by French superstar Olivier Coipel), shown below.
basically, sleeping beauty has been awakened by his first - and best - alter-ego, Donald Blake (yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, baby!), and gives him the impetus to get the hell out of the bed and get back to Earth.
imaginary creatures seal the deal and gets Thor's blood pumping (y'know, to live again. nothing like a great philosophical debate to bring you around.). and you know what happens when he gets his hand on Mjolnir.
next thing we know, he is dropped back on Earth (well, some small town in Oklahoma, USA), after doing a Bill Bixby/Bruce Banner walkathon. and dig that walking stick (Blake used to have a cane). there are lots of questions to be answered here. knowing that J. Michael Straczynski's good for the buildup (i only need to say two words: Supreme Power), i'm happily paparazzi-ing along with this series.
well, its about damned time! why couldn't he have arrived earlier and saved us all from that Thor clone schtick? i guess they were saving him to turn the tide against - ironically, in the frame of the wandering reference above - Banner's alter ego.
note: the old lady who owns the motel where he stays is named Beth Sooner. Sooner? Oklahoma? you trying to pull a fast one, Straczynski?
Thor #1
J Michael Straczynski, Olivier Coipel, Mark Morales
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