but if we are expected closure, more questions come to light.

so some substitute is buried in Arlington, and presumably the real body is here in this coffin. and the Shield? where is the Shield? Tony's holding more secrets than J.K. Rowling prior to the last Harry Potter book.
Tony wants Steve buried beneath the icy depths, where his second life started. in a show of solidarity, Namor pledges to safeguard his body.

but is Tony really going to accept that his best friend is dead?

with all the liberties Tony took after Steve died, i can't believe that he might not have given a thought about cloning Steve. he already did it once, and i can't wait to see his reaction when Thor learns of that perfidy. heh, perfidy (thank you, Kurt Busiek).
and with all the hints of the Skrull shit going on here and there .... who can we trust??
and Namor talks about protecting the body as long as he is the ruler of the seas. by the way, in Sub-Mariner #1, i believe a coup against him is in progress ...
sorry to be so cynical. can't help it.
Fallen Son - The Death of Captain America: Iron Man
Jeph Loeb/John Cassaday
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