well, that describes where the current members of the Guardians of the Galaxy are, right now. the good news is, they found their missing erstwhile leader Peter Quill a.k.a. Space Star Lord, who's in trapped in the Negative Zone with Blastaar The Headcase from Too Many Bomb-Bursts. the bad news: they teleported right into the middle of Blastaar's marauding invasion horde headed for Earth.

(thanks a lot, Reed and Tony, for building that stupid prison with two-way teleport facilities).
"middle of crap" also describes where President Obama (what, Colbert didn't win?? LOL) is in right now, and i'm not even talking reality. in keeping with his nature of keeping a cool head and engaging in dialogue and negotiation, the Prez invites current psycho head of American security Norman Osborn aboard Air Force One and face charges of murder from evidence provided by Doc Len Samson. being the brilliant shrink that he is, Samson is completely caught off-guard as Osborn completely takes control of the situation and provides a stunning dog-and-pony show that is sure to stack the odds in his favor and completely discredit his detractors. thanks a lot, Len. fine help you are, useless prick.

oh, and fuck you, Osborn - fuck. you.
(actually, that's more of a complimentary jab at Andy Diggle - he's put me through a lot of wringers during The Losers. good times.)
Guardians of the Galaxy #9, Thunderbolts #128
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