do you take his head off?

do you skewer him good?

do you stop the production of beer?
Mark Millar has the answer:
you make him kill everyone else.

continuing the Old Man Logan storyline, we learn how Wolverine lost his edge: an illusion cast by Mysterio had him going on a killing spree, believing the supervillains attacked the mansion en masse, but he was actually slaughtering the X-Men instead.
(i call a bit of BS on this. Emma would warn Cyclops and he'd take Logan's head off)
so in one clever stroke, Wolverine is removed as a threat and the apocalyptic future of the Marvel Universe is set into motion.
and that's how you do it.

"Logan ... am sorry i joined the New Warriors ..."
Wolverine #70
I agree with you, Emma would notice, but she'd be the one to stop him. Cyclops wouldn't do crap to him. He would definitely hurt him if he hit him with his blast, if that is. But Emma would stop him. Gotta love Wolvie as a killing machine though.
Totaly agree there is no way cyclops would be able to stop wolverine only slow him down for a while Emma would notice and have to get into logans head and stop him that way
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