what th-?!
i say again:
what th-!?!
the New Mutants were good.
Generation X, fine.
Academy X ... New X-Men ... o-kay.
didn't they just recently launch Young X-Men?
with all due respect to Chris Claremont, sir ... is this some kind of deal with the powers-that-be that they keep giving you sandboxes to play in?
since Mr. Claremont's direct access to the characters (in-continuity) he developed in his stellar career (meaning, the core cast of X-Men) has been virtually diminishing, he's stuck doing X-projects that are don't feature the core team (New Excalibur), set in the future or some alternative futures (Exiles, X-Men: The End and this one). i wonder if that's some kind of direct effect of butting heads in the past with the head honchos (hello, Bob Harras) or worse ... he's (gasp!) lost it. and they know it.
this title has been reportedly slated to launch a couple of years ago, but due to health reasons for Mr. Claremont, had been shelved in the meantime. a lot has happened since, and i don't really see the relevance of another 'new kids on the block' title in the always-saturated mutant market (Decimation notwithstanding).
so, what have we got? instead of new characters, we have the spawn of characters that Mr. Claremont is more familiar with, and he intends to build intrigue and drama around them.
Becka Munroe ... daughter of Storm and some ... Savage Land mutate. really. does the Black Panther know about this?? what th-?!

she has claws and fangs and is a kind of a cross between Storm, Feral and a vampire from Humberto Ramos' Crimson.
Pavel Rasputin, grandson of Petey. if we go by this theory, Cyclops' grandchild would also have destructive eyebeams and Jubilee's granddaughter would also be popping fireworks. hy-eahh.

look, he's a dead ringer for the Colossus in the Age of Apocalypse. plus age-wise, Becka would actually be his auntie.
Olivier Raven ... son of Rogue and Gambit (oh, so they finally had sex!!!). but he has Cable's eye, doesn't he? tongues are a-wagging.

he's a telepath (Cable!!!) and absorbs memories too, like his mom. we're not sure if he cooks a mean gumbo or is a cool cardshark, like his dad.
Rico ... son of TBD. can turn things invisible, and is an enigma shrouded in mystery and wrapped in secrecy. if you still don't get it, i don't know what else i can tell you.

No-Name ... now that's even worse. no names, no data.

GeNext is Claremont's version of what the X-Men would have been if they aged in real-time (and Claremont never left $#%@#*&^!@ - i think he's still pissed about that). but this would make more sense years ago.
and then they all get killed off by issue #12.
-----since Mr. Claremont's direct access to the characters (in-continuity) he developed in his stellar career (meaning, the core cast of X-Men) has been virtually diminishing, he's stuck doing X-projects that are don't feature the core team (New Excalibur), set in the future or some alternative futures (Exiles, X-Men: The End and this one). i wonder if that's some kind of direct effect of butting heads in the past with the head honchos (hello, Bob Harras) or worse ... he's (gasp!) lost it. and they know it.
this title has been reportedly slated to launch a couple of years ago, but due to health reasons for Mr. Claremont, had been shelved in the meantime. a lot has happened since, and i don't really see the relevance of another 'new kids on the block' title in the always-saturated mutant market (Decimation notwithstanding).
so, what have we got? instead of new characters, we have the spawn of characters that Mr. Claremont is more familiar with, and he intends to build intrigue and drama around them.
Becka Munroe ... daughter of Storm and some ... Savage Land mutate. really. does the Black Panther know about this?? what th-?!

she has claws and fangs and is a kind of a cross between Storm, Feral and a vampire from Humberto Ramos' Crimson.
Pavel Rasputin, grandson of Petey. if we go by this theory, Cyclops' grandchild would also have destructive eyebeams and Jubilee's granddaughter would also be popping fireworks. hy-eahh.

look, he's a dead ringer for the Colossus in the Age of Apocalypse. plus age-wise, Becka would actually be his auntie.
Olivier Raven ... son of Rogue and Gambit (oh, so they finally had sex!!!). but he has Cable's eye, doesn't he? tongues are a-wagging.

he's a telepath (Cable!!!) and absorbs memories too, like his mom. we're not sure if he cooks a mean gumbo or is a cool cardshark, like his dad.
Rico ... son of TBD. can turn things invisible, and is an enigma shrouded in mystery and wrapped in secrecy. if you still don't get it, i don't know what else i can tell you.

No-Name ... now that's even worse. no names, no data.

GeNext is Claremont's version of what the X-Men would have been if they aged in real-time (and Claremont never left $#%@#*&^!@ - i think he's still pissed about that). but this would make more sense years ago.
and then they all get killed off by issue #12.
GeNext #1
"Where Do We Go From Here?"
Chris Claremont/Patrick Scherberger/Norman Lee/Chris Sotomayor/Ed Dukeshire
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