Saturday, March 24, 2007

armed and dangerous

in the upcoming QT/Robert Rodriguez splatterfest Grindhouse, Rose McGowan plays Cherry, an 'augmented' assassin in the Planet Terror segment. and no, its not your usual augmentation.

reminds me of the Daredevil villain Bushwhacker. i wondered how the hell does he do his schtick ... arms morph into different weapons (but i never saw him try a Patriot Missile launcher). its implied that he's a mutant although other reports say he's a cybernetically-enhanced former CIA agent (why am i not surprised).

if he's a mutant, shouldn't he have figured out in X-crossovers in the past? oh, that's right, they already had a similar action figure - Random.

not to mention the technomorphing Marauder himself, Scalphunter.

with all these badass villains, it makes Cherry look like she belongs in kindergarten. an M-16/M-203 hybrid? gedouddaheah.

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