Thursday, March 15, 2007

$40 A Day (or how i love Alex Ross)

if Rachael Ray (didn't she die of rabies yet?) had given me $40 to spend for a day, this is what i'd buy:

that's the collected edition of various works done by Mr. Batman himself, Paul Dini, and painter extraordinaire Alex Ross, The World's Greatest Super-Heroes. it comprises the following releases previously in an oversized format:

Superman: Peace on Earth
Batman: War on Crime
Shazam!: Power of Hope
Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth
JLA: Secret Origins
JLA: Liberty & Justice

i mean, if Rachael Ray did give me $40.

since she didn't, i used my 20% discount coupon at Borders to get it off the shelf before someone else decides to. granted, it was a spur of the moment thing, but its why i love Alex Ross. once you hold his magnificent works in your hands, you can't let go.

and its not even as pristine as i'd like. but i'm not a tightass comic collector. i read because i like to read. 20 years from now, my kids will enjoy these things as much as i did when i was younger, and as much as i do now.

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