Tuesday, November 24, 2009

snaps: Realm of Kings #1

... where a hole in our universe leads to our ass.

1) Dr. Gruenwald can't come to the phone right now. he has left the building. or he's just relaxing amongst the pages of the classic '80s Squadron Supreme TPB.

2) Wendell Vaughn, relationship coach.

3) apparently, the Vision has concealed something else rather poorly.

4) witness ... the heart transplant technique of the future!

5) gaze upon the Abyss that is the Thunder God's face. (and while you're at it, a No-Prize to tell me what "FTAGHN" means)

6) what did i miss? how does this ersatz Quasar know about Dr. Gruenwald? (who contrary to what was stated above, has not left the building)

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