Friday, November 20, 2009

snaps: Mighty Avengers #31

... where a good ol' time is had by all Avengers, Young and Mighty.

1) yep, its the founding Avenger whose also-founding-Avenger wife you boinked. YOU'RE in trouble now.

2) is that your way of atoning? hitting on the guy? (whoooops, did i say "hit"? sorry, Hank.)

3) how does he know? well, well, well ... let's just say it involves carnal knowledge.

4) Ban Luck is Good Luck for USAgent, Ugly American.

5) i'm a driver, not a fighter. wait, i do both!

6) whoa, whoa ... wasn't that Green Arrow and the Ray Palmer Atom?!?

7) well, next time you can call yourselves the "Masters of the Evil Brotherhood". sounds like a Broadway show.

8) for the fastest guy in the room, he's sure sloooooooow on the uptake. how many times he's pulled this kind of shit already?

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