Friday, October 9, 2009

talk to the hand

drive-by readings

Daredevil #501 (Marvel)
"The Devil's Hand"
Andy Diggle
Roberto Dela Torre
Matt Hollingsworth
Joe Caramagna
Esad Ribic (cover)
as Batman might say, "hhhh." Daredevil's finally taken control of the Hand, with one little caveat - a sacrifice of the innocent. i can understand if he actually killed a baby. but Master Izo? really? that alcohol-swilling vice-indulging old prick? even Dakota North isn't innocent. and we all know, Stick (and Mr. Miyagi) notwithstanding, that old martial arts teachers are practically immortal. so who's fooling who here, Andy Diggle?

elsewhere, the Kingpin extends the lifespan of his longtime bootlicking gofer, Turk (oh the stories he could tell his kids!). but its all a ploy of course. everyone has got an agenda. not sure what Lady Bullseye's is though, throwing in with Wilson, even if she worked with Izo to maneuver DD into the position of Hand boss.

wow. the Hand being led by their former enemy, the American red/blonde-haired devil-may-care chick magnet hotshot lawyer. Kirigi must be rolling in his grave.

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