Friday, October 9, 2009

box office poison

Venom film "may get director soon" (Latino Review).

not sure how a Venom movie might work as a spinoff - yes, i know he headlined his own book back in the '90s, but that was the '90s. i doubt if Eddie Brock has a shelf life beyond making life miserable for Spider-Man (apparently not, as Eddie is now the Anti-Venom and got his head blown off by the Punisher). the report also says that Topher Grace may not reprise the role. which kinda makes sense if the character won't be Brock.

assuming Brock is out of the running, who's it gonna be? logic dictates it will be Mac Gargan, the Sinister Spider-Man. but that would only make sense in a Dark Reign kind of way. what possible story can they cook up with, using an evil character (who's origin was more or less delineated already in Spider-Man 3), that would really convince people to part with $10 and 2 hours of their time?

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