#8 - Glow in the Dark

this issue neatly fixes the problems of 1) how to cure the Phalanx virus (thereby returning Gamora and Drax to normal) and 2) how to re-power Nova. that being done, its time for some Phalanx ass-kicking. which happens over in Annihilation: Conquest. see you in 30.
Nova #12 (Marvel)Dan Abnett/Andy Lanning/Paul Pelletier/Rick Magyar/Guru eFX/Cory Petit
#7 - And They are Us

Frank Castle has met the enemy, and they're US soldiers sent to put him down. a sad commentary on patriotism, politics and military culture. will this be the moment when the Punisher finally kills one of his own?
The Punisher #56 (Marvel)Garth Ennis/Goran Parlov/Lee Loughridge/Cory Petit
#6 - Popping Caps

we all know a force for good can also take a turn down the wrong path, and in the scientific world, this happens quite a lot. by "lot", we mean its taken down all the Marvel heroes employed by S.H.I.E.L.D., and most of the stars of this book. who else is left? why, the Big Brain himself, Mr. Faaaaaaaaaaaaan-tastic!
Fantastic Four #556 (Marvel)Mark Millar/Bryan Hitch/Andrew Currie/Paul Mounts/Rus Wooton
#5 - Putting the Bitch Down

so, as it turns out, Wolverine and Mystique have been an item/done the deed waaaaaaay back in the '20s (did you ever make reference to that, Chris Claremont?). but this woman is one leopard that keeps changing her spots but still remains rotten the core. well, Logan, its really time to put up or shut up.
Wolverine #64 (Marvel)Jason Aaron/Ron Garney/Jason Keith/Cory Petit
#4 - Walk on the Darkseid

finally, Darkseid shows his hand (and his fists) and manages to get dragged down to the crude level of hand to hand combat with Superman. of course he has to cheat. too bad, because this time, its Jimmy Olsen's turn to save his idol.
Countdown #3 (DC)Paul Dini/Sean McKeever/Freddie Williams II/Pete Pantazis/Ken Lopez
#3 - Animal Magic

Zeb Wells threw us a curve (which we really should have recognized), and it turns out these natives weren't the bad guys after all. yes, yes, sometimes brainiacs go crazy. and bad. parents, pay a little more attention to your kids, will ya?
The Amazing Spiderman #556 (Marvel)Zeb Wells/Chris Bachalo/Tim Townsend/Antonio Fabela/Cory Petit
#2 - Dear Gog

the JSA roster seems to expand by 2 every single month. and with that amount of firepower, you'd think they could easily take down this Gog jerk. turns out they need more help from the future.
Justice Society of America #14 (DC)Geoff Johns/Dale Eaglesham/Prentis Rollins/Alex Sinclair/Rob Leigh
#1 - Hello, Its Me

the new Captain America takes down Crossbones, Sin and the new Serpent Squad. but that's not the surprise. the surprise is Steve Rogers might yet be alive. yes, you read that right.
Captain America #36 (Marvel)Ed Brubaker/Butch Guice/Mike Perkins/Frank D'Armata/Joe Caramagna
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