Monday, June 30, 2008


ok, i'm letting that lardass Harry Knowles have the last word for this Green month.

Man – I never thought I’d see the day that Marvel would actually get their shit, totally together. This is the sort of thing we’ve been screaming for – and now its actually fucking happening and … man, there should be fucking FIREWORKS and tickertape for this sort of momentous occasion. We should be running in the streets and screaming about how we don’t have Universal Healthcare, we don’t have 10% of Arizona covered with Pond Scum Farms creating Bio-Fuel at 35 cents a gallon… but Goddammit… MARVEL is seriously creating a cohesive MARVEL UNIVERSE. There are signs of a bright future.

because those words really make me excited to still be a geek way past the legal drinking/driving age.

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