following the death (ho-hum) of Green Arrow, a.k.a. Oliver Queen, right in his honeymoon night with Black Canary (a.k.a. Dinah Lance), we find the grieving widow letting off some steam for non-consummation (among other things - yes, she actually had to kill him ... go read the miniseries, dammit).

but since this is "superhero death" we're talking about, no one accepts death anymore, they try to resurrect anyone who dies. i mean, Ra's Al-Ghul could go straight and make a fortune by selling off his Lazarus Pits. and Vandal Savage could be his technical consultant. hellooooooo??? is anyone reading this?

so Batman believes Dinah that the dead body isn't Oliver's, and so he and Dr. Mid-Nite go try to make their CSI dreams come true.

jackpot! it's not Oliver (like fans didn't know that all along!) - its some shapeshifting schmuck named Everyman (oh that schmuck!). and Dinah thinks she knows who has Oliver. yes, its those bitches who declared war against the U.S. last month, and who took down the phallic symbol that is the Washington Monument. how dare they! and how dare they prevent Oliver from consummating his marriage to Dinah!

er ... Wonder Woman? why are your people being like this? did their "time of the month" suddenly become "time of the year"? what the hell, girl??

er ... Wonder Woman? why are your people being like this? did their "time of the month" suddenly become "time of the year"? what the hell, girl??
Green Arrow & Black Canary #1
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